An understated luxury, this Kelly bag makes the perfect case for the quality and timeless aestheticism of Hermes handbags. Done in a rich color combination of Blue Electric Tadelakt Leather with Palladium Hardware, this Kelly is a staple bag for the collector. Hermes Tadelakt leather was introduced into the Hermes family around 2006. Generally, it comes with a smooth glossy coloring quality with a delicate finish. This is because it’s sourced from the male calf which has no visible grains on its exterior. When the Hermes Tadelakt leather is used for bags and other products, it generally gives the items a more formal and dressy look.
Condition: Store Fresh
Collection: 2020, Y
Color: Blue Electric
Material: Tadelakt Leather
Hardware: Palladium
Pictured Hermes Micro Kelly Twilly Charm Rouge Vif
Collection: 2020, Y
Color: Blue Electric
Material: Tadelakt Leather
Hardware: Palladium
Pictured Hermes Micro Kelly Twilly Charm Rouge Vif
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